Senior Management Meeting Minutes Mar 2018

Minutes of Senior Management Team Meeting held on 27 March 2018

In attendance: K Donnelly, Chair (C&AG), P McCreedy (COO), R Allen (Director), N Gray (Director), C Kane (Director), D Lynn (Director), T Wilkinson (Director), L Donnelly (Secretary), Andrew Gordon,  Advanced Analytics Labs (Agenda Item 3)


1&2 Minutes of Previous meeting and Matters Arising

Minutes of the previous meeting held on 20 February 2018 were agreed and Matters arising updated.


3. Data Analytics

3.1 Presentation by Advanced Analytics Labs

The analytics audit carried out by Advanced Analytics Labs is now complete and a paper detailing findings and recommendations was presented to SMT for consideration. Andrew Gordon from Advanced Analytics Labs attended to give an overview of findings and answer any questions. The C&AG welcomed the findings in the report. T Wilkinson to take the lead on behalf of SMT going forward.

3.2 Application of Data Analytics in NIAO

A paper prepared by T Wilkinson summarising the main areas being considered by the

Office was presented to SMT. In summary, the Office has applied to be part of the

GOVTECH/Small Business Research Initiative scheme (SBRI).Some members raised concerns about how the SBRI scheme operates. No final decision on the application has been communicated yet, as further deliberation will be required by SMT if the Office is successful.


4. Finance and IT

4.1 Finance Report

R Allen highlighted the following matters:

· There is a current projected underspend of £184,000.

· DoF has advised that the NIAO budget will not be reduced for 2018-19, being maintained at current levels in actual terms.

· He drew members’ attention to Annex E of the report detailing Utilisation Rates.

· Charge out Rates – SMT were asked to consider a 5% increase in charge out rates.

After discussion the 5% increase was agreed, this will be kept under review for the next 12 months.


5. Risk Management

5.1 Corporate Risk Register (CRR)

The CRR was revised by the Corporate Risk Management Group on 6 March 2018. C Kane outlined the changes to SMT and noted no changes to scoring assessments were made. At their next meeting the Corporate Risk Management Group plans to align the CRR to the Strategic Corporate Framework and will continue to consider fraud risk, cyber risk and horizon scanning.


6. Performance Reporting

Report presented to SMT for information and highlighted the following:

· Absence Management

SMT welcomed the positive absence management figures.

· Bullying and Harassment Survey

The action plan endorsed by SMT is now progressing.

· Impacts

An Ad hoc meeting held on 27 March to brief SMT.

· FOI Requests

C&AG requested to be kept informed of requests received.


7. 7.1 EY Strategic Planning Facilitator

Meetings with the Directorate the COO and the C&AG have been scheduled for 29 March


7.2 GDPR Update

Paper provided to update SMT, members confirmed they were content to appoint N

Connelly as Data Protection Officer.


8. AOB

8.1 Minutepad

After discussion is was agreed to continue to use Minutepad in the short term.

8.2 Next Meeting

Next meeting 8 May 2018 at 10am.