Senior Management Meeting Minutes Feb 2019

Minutes of Senior Management Team Meeting held on 19 February 2019

In attendance: K Donnelly, Chair (C&AG), P McCreedy (COO), D Lynn (Director), T Wilkinson (Director), N Gray (Director), C Kane (Director), L Donnelly (Secretary)

Apologies: R Allen (Director)


1&2 Minutes of Previous meeting and Matters Arising

Minutes of the previous meeting held on 16 January 2019 were agreed and matters arising updated. Members had previously agreed to meet on a monthly basis going forward with one meeting in three to major on the Business Transformation Programme (BTP). The C&AG acknowledged this was the first in the new series of meetings to discuss BTP.


3. Key Corporate Matters

A paper was provided to update SMT on Key Corporate Matters, the following were highlighted for discussion:


  • There is currently a projected surplus for 2018‐19
  • In December 2018 we provided the Department of Finance (DoF) with an indication of financial requirements for 19‐20, highlighting the potential need for an increase in resources to include the additional costs expected from the accommodation project. DoF have advised that a budget bill may not be approved until later in the year, we will continue to monitor the financial position on a regular basis until a bill is passed.
  • Accommodation Project –Central Procurement Directorate (CPD) are in the process of finalising a framework for the design work to facilitate the procurement process that is due to start in the coming weeks.


  • Training – a formal mechanism for recording feedback on training received by staff is being considered.
  • Performance Management – Directors are to follow up with Audit Managers on incomplete check‐in meetings. A review of the frequency of performance meetings is being considered by L Hutchinson as part of the HR Strategy.

Business Support

  • Procurement of Financial Audit Services – Contract award letters have been issued and a briefing was provided to staff on 1 February 2019. T Wilkinson will issue an Audit Policy Circular (APC) in the coming weeks.
  • Personal Liability in Contract Award – The Office took advice from CPD. This was considered and discussed by SMT who acknowledged the importance of staff being suitably trained. SMT agreed with CPD advice that using appropriately trained staff who comply with the Nolan Principles of Public Life should prevent any personal liability on contract awards.
  • Data Breach ‐ A paper was provided to brief SMT on a data breach regarding staff access to personal data on the PAMS/ESS system. The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) was made aware of the incident. The ICO considered our submission and concluded that no further action was necessary.


4. Business Transformation Programme (BTP)

A Progress Monitor Report has been developed to update SMT on the Business Transformation Programme, this will be used to show progress against milestones and update SMT on deliverables to be progressed. The C&AG welcomed the report. Members discussed progress and targets around the five pillars of Communication and Engagement, Digitalisation, People, Governance and Audit Practices and the Working Environment. It was agreed further consideration was required on whether separate PIDs were required for work streams on Financial Audit Quality an also zero based budgeting. P McCreedy to consider the best time to brief staff on developments, this will be at the next Office Staff Briefing scheduled for 12 March 2019 or at the Office Conference in April.



5.1 Brexit implications to be scheduled for discussion at the next SMT on 19 March 2019. The Corporate Risk Register Working Group (CRRWG) to meet before this date to consider and report any potential risks.

5.2 T Wilkinson provided a verbal update on GovTech. Nineteen bids have been received, five will be appointed by 8 March 2019. Interviews have been scheduled for Friday 22 February 2019 to consider the Value for Money bids received. SMT to arrange to meet before the 8 March deadline to discuss.

5.3 Next meeting 19 March 2019.