Minutes of SLT Meeting - Tuesday 19 March 2024

Members Present: 

  • Dorinnia Carville, Chair (C&AG) 
  • Rodney Allen (COO)
  • Brian O’Neill (Director)
  • Suzanne Jones (Director)
  • Seamus Wade (Director)


  • Patrick Barr (Director)
  • Colette Kane (Director)
  • Tomas Wilkinson (Director)

In Attendance: 

  • Declan Cooper (Audit Manager) Agenda item 1
  • Kyle Bingham (Senior Auditor) Agenda item 4.8
  • Louise Donnelly (Secretariat Support)


Apologies were recorded from Patrick Barr, Colette Kane and Tomas Wilkinson.

Declaration of Conflicts of Interest

There were no conflicts declared by members.

Minutes of previous meeting

Minutes of the previous meeting held on 19 February 2024 were agreed and the matters arising noted as updated

1. Corporate Management Team (CMT) Briefing

Declan Cooper joined the meeting to provide an update on the following key areas discussed at the recent CMT meeting:

  • Data Analytics – Chris Broughton provided CMT with an overview and update on the work by the Team. Members were encouraged to engage with the Team early regarding data visualisation requirements.
  • Resourcing – Members discussed concerns about resourcing due to the current recruitment freeze and staff departures.
  • Members discussed the recent NICS pay award.
  • Leadership Forum – it was agreed there is value in the Forum and CMT will suggest a suitable date and discussion topics.

The next meeting will be chaired by Kathy Doey. 

2. People and OD

2.1 People and OD Monthly Report

Brian O’Neill provided an update on the following:

  • Sickness Absence Statistics - Members welcomed the figures presented and the continuing positive trend.
  • Learning & Development 
    • The mandatory GDPR Awareness course initially rolled out to staff in March 2021 has now been replaced with a shorter Data Protection Essentials course. All staff are required to complete this replacement course.
    • ISA 315 Mandatory Training for all relevant staff - This training to be completed by director led teams. 
  • Performance Management Compliance – Members noted the improved figures presented.
  • Annual Leave uptake by staff – The C&AG requested additional clarity in the figures presented, Brian O’Neill agreed to communicate this request to the HR team.
  • Learning, Development and Talent Management Strategy and People Strategy – Strategies to be launched at the Staff Briefing to be held later that afternoon (19 March 2024).

3. Strategic Projects

3.1 Accommodation Project

Rodney Allen advised that subject to final sign-off on terms and conditions, we look forward to soon welcoming our first tenants into the vacant office space, once confirmed staff will be advised.


4. Strategic Performance

4.1 Management Information Report

It was agreed that the report would be discussed by members at an SLT meeting scheduled for 26 March 2024.

4.2 Position re Backlog Accounts

Members provided the C&AG with an update on the current position concerning the number of backlog audits.  Members advised the reasons for any backlog and target certification dates.

4.3 Audit Costs

Members noted the paper presented.  It was agreed that going forward the report should provide greater focus on the 2023-24 in-year figures and include public reporting monitoring.

4.4 Public Reporting Monitoring Report

              Members noted the update on the status of Public Reports and the increased number of reports to be published before Easter.

4.5 Workforce Planning

              Seamus Wade advised the Group was scheduled to meet in the coming weeks, at this meeting consideration will be given to the longer term objectives for resourcing and a possible timescale for achieving the agreed resourcing target.

4.6 Public Reporting Guidance

An update will be provided by Patrick Barr at the April meeting.

4.7 Policy Review

A review to identify policies that can be deleted and those that are still relevant has commenced.  All relevant circulars will be updated to include a defined schedule of periodic review, the date of the previous and next scheduled review and approval details. Brian O’Neill will continue to provide regular updates to SLT on progress. 

4.8 Net Zero Action Plan – Quarterly Update

          Kyle Bingham joined the meeting to update members on progress on the Action Plan and advised the following:

  • Richard Ross has replaced Joe Campbell as the Chair of the Internal Net Zero Group. 
  • Group members have attended a meeting with representatives from the other audit agencies where ISO14 001 certification was discussed.
  • An energy consultant has been appointed to conduct a review of our energy usage from both a cost effective and renewable perspective.  The findings of this review will be shared with SLT when available.

Members welcomed the update provided and asked if there were any areas where SLT could further support the work of the Group.  Kyle asked for SLT approval to commence the annual survey for completion by all staff to help gauge emissions figures. SLT approved this request.

5. Financial Management

5.1 Corporate Services Report

Brian O’Neill provided an update on the following:


  • Finance – Members were asked to note the current financial position for 2023-24.  C&AG, COO and the Director of Corporate Services  briefed the NI Assembly Audit Committee on 6 March 2024. The Committee has been supportive and has subsequently written to the Department of Finance and the Public Accounts Committee in respect of funding for 2024-25 and is seeking further comments from us before considering further on 9 April.  Members noted the importance of this in clarifying next year’s budget and current in-year restrictions especially the recruitment freeze.
  • Colin Daysh who chairs the Digital Operations Management Board is scheduled to present the new IT Assist Service portfolio to SLT on the 26 March 2024.

6. Corporate Governance

6.1 Business Support Services Report

Brian O’Neill presented a report to update members on Complaints, Procurement, Legal Advice, Information Management, Governance and Assembly Liaison. Members noted the report presented with no significant issues raised. 

7. Communications and Engagement 

7.1 Communications and Engagement Report

Members noted the report presented with no significant issues raised.                                                        

8. Risk Management

8.1 Corporate Risk Register

Members discussed the Risk Register presented, key changes made since the last meeting were highlighted in red for members’ convenience.  It was agreed the Corporate Risk Register Working Group would be asked to conduct a review of risk assessments, controls and actions following the results of the recent QAD reviews.

9. Audit Technical

9.1 Technical Report

Suzanne Jones provided the following update:

  • ISA 315 training has now been rolled out to all staff with some Directors providing feedback to the Technical Team.  The importance was emphasised of all teams meeting to discuss the training and the impact on their portfolios.
  • Members were asked to remind staff of the mandatory Technical Audit and Accounting training being held on 20 and 21 March 2024.

9.2 QCR Review - Update

Suzanne Jones advised the results of the recent QAD reviews had been confirmed.  Two root cause analysis meetings having been held to date and the actions arising from these meetings will be presented to SLT in due course.

The C&AG requested that a public reporting update is included in the Technical Report and asked that Patrick Barr take this forward.

10. Papers to note

Advisory Board Draft minutes of a meeting held on 26 February 2024 – noted.

11. Matters for Escalation to Advisory Board, ARAC, RemCom

Next meeting dates:

  • ARAC – 22 May 2024
  • Advisory Board 3 June 2024

12. AOB 

There was no AOB to note.

13. Date of next meeting

15 April 2024 @ 10am