
Paul Douglas (Non Executive Member - Chair), Pat Cumiskey (Non Executive Director), Gillian Body (Non Executive Member), Kieran Donnelly (Comptroller & Auditor General), Pamela McCreedy (Chief Operating Officer), Pauline Poots (Ernst & Young) – for agenda item 2.2




Áine Gallagher (Non Executive Member)      


In Attendance

Louise Donnelly (Secretary)


  1. Preliminary

The meeting opened with the Chair advising that this would be Gillian Body’s last meeting as a member of the Advisory Group, he expressed his thanks to Gillian for her contribution to the Group.


    1. Apologies

Apologies were noted from Aine Gallagher.


1.2       Declaration of Conflicts of Interest

            There were no issues declared by members which would be in conflict with the agenda for the meeting.


    1. Minutes of meeting of 21 September 2017 and Matters Arising

            The minutes of the previous meeting were considered and agreed and the Matters Arising updated.


  1. Matters for Discussion


2.1       Business Transformation Programme (BTP)

            Pamela McCreedy briefed the Group on the Business Transformation Programme.


The NIAO’s three-year Strategic Corporate Framework establishes key priorities for the period 2018-2021. Transformation will revolve around three key points of focus Strategy, People and Service Delivery.


Five key pillars were identified that the Office will target over the lifetime of the Strategic Corporate: Communication and Engagement, Digitalisation, People, Governance and Audit Practice and Working Environment.  Each work area will be underpinned by an action plan to be developed by senior management.  A number of the work streams are interdependent and therefore a co-design and co-production approach will be necessary.


The Board will be updated on progress at the next meeting.


            Members queried if staff had welcomed and were onboard with the BTP, P McCreedy advised that feedback received to date was positive and that a staff survey would be carried out in the autumn.


2.2       Three Year VFM Programme

            Pauline Poots (Ernst & Young) joined the meeting and members were briefed on the three year VFM programme via a short PowerPoint presentation P Poots explained how the process of identifying developing a list of potential topics had been identified by liaising with the NIAO Operational Management Team, the C&AG and engaging with other audit agencies and stakeholders. 


            Members queried if the three year plan was going to be used to decide actual topics for study or to shape the decision making process, the COO advised it would suggest actual topics for VFM studies but the final decision on what to progress would rest with the C&AG.



  1. AOB

The Chair thanked all for attending and said that it was exciting to see everything progressing and developing going forward.  He thanked Gillian Body again for her valuable participation on the Advisory Board.


Date of next meeting

            To be confirmed.