Minutes of Audit and Risk Assurance Committee (ARAC) Meeting Tuesday 3 May 2022 at 11.30 Bradford Court


Members Present:         John Turkington (Chair), Marie Mallon

In Attendance:                Martin Pitt (Chair Advisory Board - at the invitation of the Chair of ARAC)

Rodney Allen (Chief Operating Officer), Colette Kane (Director) – agenda item 5, Brian O’Neill (Director), Ian McCartney – Internal Audit, Brian McFetridge – External Audit, Tanya Mc Nally (To cover Committee Secretary)   




  1. Opening Comments from New Chair

John Turkington welcomed everyone to the meeting.


  1. Apologies

No apologies were recorded.


  1. Declarations of Interest

There were no issues declared by Committee members or attendees.


  1. Minutes and Matters Arising from previous meeting held on 25 January 2022

Minutes from previous meeting 25 January 2022 were agreed and no changes noted.  All matters arising were noted as updated.


  1. Risk Management

Corporate Risk Register

The Corporate Risk Register (CRR) was presented by Colette Kane, all changes were highlighted in red for convenience.  Members were advised that the Corporate Risk Register Working Group (CRRWG) met twice since the last ARAC and that the CRR has been reviewed weekly by OMT and monthly by SMT.  Members noted the additional risk triggers, existing controls and proposed actions, along with the scoring of risks and risk appetite.  Members discussed IT Assurances noting a paper would be brought forward by management at the next meeting. 

Engagement on Risk Management

Members were advised that a video presentation on an overview of the Risk Management process for staff is now available.

Horizon Scanning

Colette Kane presented a paper to members summarising horizon scanning, identifying possible risk triggers, controls and gaps in controls.  Members were satisfied with the paper and reassurances were given regarding cyber security.


  1. External Audit – Verbal Update

Brian McFetridge provided an update on progress against the External Audit Plan.  Members were informed that the External Audit Team will commence their audit onsite next week and their report will be presented at the June meeting.

  1. Internal Audit (IA Reports)
  • IA Progress Report

Ian McCartney presented the paper to the Committee outlining that two reviews had been completed since the previous Audit & Risk Assurance Committee meeting: Training & Development and Key Financial Controls, both of which received Satisfactory assurance.  Ian also informed members that the follow up of all Internal Audit points raised would commence later this month and that the Annual Statement of Assurance would be presented at the June 2022 Audit & Risk Assurance Committee.

  • Training & Development

Satisfactory assurance was awarded with some minor actions required.  Members queried the timeline for completing the Training & Development strategy, emphasising the importance of having this in place.  Management agreed to bring forward the completion date of this strategy.  It was also noted that the Skills Gap Analysis was incomplete and management undertook to have this completed.  There was also discussion around the incomplete mandatory training modules.  Again, management provided assurances in this regard.

  • Key Financial Controls and payroll

Satisfactory assurance was awarded with some minor actions required.

 Members noted both reports and the actions required, encouraging management to           ensure compliance with existing controls at all times.

  • RSM’S Conformance with the IIA Standards and Codes of Practice

Members welcomed that the highest rating was awarded to RSM in compliance with the standards and noted that due to the changing working environments, RSM will continue to work closely with Management to deliver a flexible and agile programme.


  1. Single Tender Action (STA) Report

Brian O’Neill presented a paper outlining the STA’s awarded in the period from 1 January 2021 to date and assured Members that each STA had appropriate levels of sign off and complied with the procurement policy.


  1. Report tracking implementation of audit recommendations

Brian O’Neill presented a report detailing the work undertaken by management since ARAC last met in January. One “green” recommendation was in the process of implementation.

Members noted there were no External Audit Recommendations at this time.


  1.  Fraud, Raising Concerns and Complaints Report.

Brian O’Neill advised members that no new fraud or raising concerns cases had arisen in the period.  He then provided an update on the current position regarding two ongoing complaints.  Discussion followed on correspondence received by members from a complainant and it was agreed that the Chair of the Advisory Board would respond to the complainant on behalf of the Members. 


  1. Internal Fraud Checklist

Brian O’Neill presented a completed Internal Fraud checklist (which was prepared in response to NIAO’s own good practice guide on Internal Fraud Risks issued in February 2022).   Members welcomed the completed self-assessment checklist, noting no issues arising and members also noted the positive feedback widely received from audited bodies on the publication.   


  1. Current policies to note:
  • Anti-Fraud Policy
  • Fraud Response Plan
  • Raising Concerns Policy

Members were content to note the papers presented, each of which contained minor updates and requested that for future policies being tabled, any amendments are highlighted in tracked changes format.


  1. ARAC Terms of Reference Review

Members were content with the paper and endorsed the terms of reference.


  1. AOB

No items were listed or raised.


  1. Dates of next meetings:

21 June 2022 agreed

27 September 2022 agreed


  1. The Committee met with Internal and External Auditors for private discussions.