Senior Management Meeting Minutes Jun 2019

Minutes of Senior Management Team Meeting held on 11 June 2019

In attendance: K Donnelly, Chair (C&AG), P McCreedy (COO), R Allen (Director), N Gray (Director), C Kane (Director), D Lynn (Director) – from agenda item 5, T Wilkinson (Director), G Currie (Audit Manager) – agenda item 7, L Donnelly (Secretary)


Members congratulated the C&AG on his CB awarded by HRH the Queen. The C&AG thanked the group and stated that the award was a credit to the Office as a whole and was recognition for the work done by everyone in the NIAO.


1 & 2 Minutes of Previous meeting and Matters Arising

Minutes of the previous meeting held on 21 May 2019 were agreed and matters arising updated.


3. Risk Management

End of year Assurance Statement

The draft assurance statement covering 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019 was presented. C Kane provided a detailed overview of the risk management activities and assurance mechanisms observed throughout the year. Members endorsed the Assurance Statement for presentation to the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee (ARAC) next week (19 June 2019).

Issues and Near Misses Log

Nil return - There were no near misses or issues logged.


4. Finance

  • 2018-19 Finance Position – Members noted the projected year end position for 2018-19
  • 2019-20 Finance Position – Members were advised the C&AG will be issuing a letter to the Secretary of State concerning the budget allocated to NIAO for 2019-20 and the anticipated impact on subsequent years. Members noted the request by the Chair of the Advisory Board to report any potential budget limitations that impact on strategic decisions be reported to the Board.
  • Premises/facilities – New tenants will take up occupancy on 24 June 2019. Members noted this would mean maximum current use of our existing premises.


Draft Annual Report and Accounts

Members were asked to consider the draft report and accounts and forward any feedback to R Allen ASAP. The printing/publication process has commenced with the first draft being available for proofing next week. The Accounts will be laid at the Assembly during the last week in June.


5. Corporate

Corporate Report

Members considered the HR and Business Support updates, specifically noting the


  • Recruitment Summary
    • Two auditors have been appointed and have taken up post.
    • The apprenticeship recruitment scheme is progressing.
  • Attendance Management
    • Members were asked to note the overall days absence per employee in the rolling period 1 May 2018 to 30 April 2019.


D Lynn joined the meeting


Public Reporting and Financial Audit Performance

Members were briefed on key performance outturns for 2018-19 on public reporting and financial audit programmes. Going forward for 2019-20 this mechanism will be developed to report against the indicators in our Strategic Corporate Framework.

6. Internal Audit – Internal Audit Strategy

No paper was available from Internal Audit for the meeting, however members were advised the strategy is unchanged and will be available for ARAC on 19 June 2019.


7. Annual Assurances

  • Anti-fraud, Whistleblowing and Complaints statement - This statement is prepared to assist ARAC in the completion of its 2018-19 assurance considerations. SMT endorsed the paper.
  • Senior Management/NED Expenses and Hospitality - This report is drafted for inclusion on the NIAO website, R Allen asked members to check the content of the report and feedback any comments to him before the ARAC meeting.
  • IT Assurance Statement - This statement provides assurance that adequate arrangements and controls are in place for 2019-20 to oversee and manage the provision of NIAO IT services. The Report was endorsed by SMT and will be presented to the ARAC meeting.
  • ISQC1 Monitoring and Transparency Reports - G Currie joined the meeting and briefed members on the content of the reports. Both reports were endorsed by SMT and will be presented to ARAC.
  • VFM External Panel Results - A summary paper on the composition, remit and findings of the VFM External Panel was presented to provide assurance on the quality control procedure. SMT endorsed the report for presentation to ARAC.


8. Office Conference – Staff Survey Results

A survey was generated to ascertain staff feedback about the Conference and detailed results were presented to SMT. Members welcomed the extremely positive feedback and expressed thanks to all parties involved with organising the Conference and for their help in making it a success. The findings in the report will be used when planning the next Office Conference.


9. Data Analytics – Verbal Update

T Wilkinson briefed members on progress to date. Completion of the GovTech project through Phase 1 will be achieved by 19 July 2019. After Phase 1 there will be a further assessment and a new tender procedure before a decision to proceed with Phase 2 is made. This should be completed by October 2019.


7. AOB

Date of next meeting - 20 August 2019

No meeting has been scheduled for July 2019 but the C&AG noted one would be held at short notice if necessary.