Senior Management Meeting Minutes Feb 2018

Minutes of Senior Management Team Meeting held on 20 February 2018

In attendance:

K Donnelly, Chair (C&AG), P McCreedy (COO), R Allen (Director), N Gray (Director), C Kane (Director), D Lynn (Director), L Donnelly (Secretary),

Apologies: T Wilkinson (Director)


1&2. Minutes of Previous meeting and Matters Arising

Minutes of the previous meeting held on 22 January 2018 were agreed and Matters arising



3. Finance and IT

Finance Report

RA reported the figures for the Spring Supplementary Estimate were submitted to the

Department of Finance on 22 January 2018. He stated the projected year end position is a

surplus in the region of £170k.

RA highlighted the following matters:

· Charge Out Rates

Corporate services are currently conducting a review of charge out rates. There is

pressure on the rates arising from less staff but limited correlation to overhead costs.

SMT will be kept informed of progress.


Finance and resourcing issues have been identified with an increasing EAF workload

through to 2021-22 and then uncertainties associated with Brexit. SMT acknowledged

that options need to be investigated on how this will be managed by the office going

forward and NG will be considering this.

· Premises

The car park will be resurfaced week commencing 26 February and will be closed. Staff

have been advised. Charging points for electric vehicles will be added to the car park at

the same time as the resurfacing work.

· IT – Central Time

A new Central time system will be introduced and configured alongside the current

system. SMT agreed the importance of putting appropriate resources into this project

and it was agreed Directors will discuss this resourcing requirement.


4. Internal Audit

4.1 Internal Audit Report

The reports on Information Governance and IT Health Check were noted. Internal

Audit has given satisfactory opinions on both reports. There are a number of

recommendations which have been accepted by management and actions will


4.2 Internal Audit Follow up Report Feb 2018

The Report found that all recommendations had been suitably implemented. SMT

were provided with a copy for information.


5. Risk Management

CK highlighted the following matters:

5.1 Corporate Risk Register

Risk owners have been identified and actions assigned to specific Directors. CK

briefed SMT on the reasoning for risk 1A being escalated to Amber. PMcC has

reviewed the updated register and is content.

SMT agreed the Corporate Risk Register will need a major review when the new

Corporate Plan has been introduced.

5.2 Risk Management Strategy

No major change was reported from last month. The Strategy will be presented at

the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee meeting on Tuesday 27 February.

5.3 Assurance Statement

The summary paper reflects the current position. The Directorate collectively

agreed the statement to say they are content that risk was being managed

effectively and can give the assurance that the key risks facing the organisation are

subject to regular review and that key controls are in place and being monitored.


6 Performance Reporting

The operational performance report was presented which summarised performance

against key targets at 31 December 2017. The following points were specifically noted:

6.1 Financial Audit and Public Reporting

Financial Audit - The C&AG was updated on the current position regarding some

outstanding accounts. He emphasised the importance of completing those audits

where there are no issues that are outside of NIAO control.

Public Reporting – Clearance difficulties were noted with two reports but it is

expected these issues will be resolved over the coming weeks.

RA presented the corporate report and the following was noted:

6.2 Corporate Report

Vision/Values Programme and Corporate Plan

Anne McMurray will meet with OMT on 5 March 2018 to further discuss the business

transformation process. It is anticipated that the final draft of the Corporate Plan will

be produced by 16 March 2018.


Absence Management

SMT welcomed the positive absence figures for the period 1 April to 31 January

highlighting a continued reduction in sickness absence days lost, with more than half

of staff having no absence.


A bid for funding from the Public Sector Transformation Fund for a final VES scheme

for 2018-19 has been submitted.

Bullying and Harassment Survey

60% of staff responded to the survey. The survey has identified areas for

improvement and as a result an action plan has been prepared. This was endorsed

by SMT and will be communicated to all staff.

Work Placement for Person with a Disability

No expressions of interest had been received from the staff who were circulated

but SMT were advised that one staff member had informally indicated a willingness

to participate in this initiate. SMT supported proceeding on this basis and asked

that the Equality Officer take this forward.


SMT was confident that GDPR preparations are proportionate and

appropriate and progress was being made in line with the Office’s action plan.

NIPSA Survey on Resourcing

SMT welcomed the NIPSA survey and the helpful information which it has

generated. PMcC has replied to NIPSA and advised the office would take forward

the findings in ongoing work to improve our resource management processes.

6.3 Whistleblowing Caseload

A report on the current caseload position was presented to SMT for consideration.

It was agreed that going forward ‘current position’ updates would be discussed by

PMcC with individual Directors at monthly meetings. PMcC will update the C&AG

on all cases each month.

6.4 MLA Correspondence Caseload

Following the recent submission of the latest updates to the caseload, the C&AG

requested a review of the process and set out what he considered to be essential

information required by SMT to assess the progress of each case. As a result a

streamlined update was presented to SMT. The C&AG is content with the RAG

status of each case.


7. AOB

Next meeting 27 March 2018 at 2.00pm